Friday, September 25, 2009

Coupons on the Go

Coupons can get messy

All those "junk" mail coupons
can save you $
while you're out and about.

The trick is to have them organized and accessible.

Here's how we do it:

-Use an Expandable Folder or Envelopes
-Label each tab or each Envelope

Labels: Lunch, Dinner, Pizza, Treats,
Events, Auto, Menus, House,
Beauty (hair cuts, tanning, nails, etc),
and Shopping
Put your coordinating coupons
in the appropriate place.
Leave your Folder or Envelopes
in the car, so you will always have them.
I just got a coupon yesterday in my mail box.

2 Dinners, 3 Courses Each, for only $15!!!
Purchase 2 $9.99 3 Course Dinners,
and use the $5 off a $20 purchase.

Make sure you file it!